
Luxembourg's 5G Strategy

In 2016, the European Commission launched a strategic 5G action plan to support the deployment and take-up of 5G networks, which brought about a consultation of national key stakeholders led by the Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC). The resulting national “5G strategy for Luxembourg” defines the general framework for the deployment of the 5G network.

The strategy helped setting a frame for the allocation of spectrum and the overall facilitation of 5G deployment on at national level. The complete strategy and the related background documentation are available on the “Innovative Initiatives” platform.

Since the launch of the strategy, the SMC and the Government's initiative "Innovative Initiatives" have been actively committed to promoting and fostering innovative 5G solutions and actions at multiple levels. The Call for Projects I and the Call for Projects II illustrate this commitment, as retained 5G projects received financial support from the SMC.

See for yourself what the strategy is all about here.


The Call for Projects I  

The first 5G call for projects was launched in June 2019 and aimed to trigger innovative projects in the field of new generation electronic communications. In order to be retained, the projects had to rely on, or showcase, the added value of 5G or of equivalent, substitutable or complementary communication technologies and they had to respond to one or more of the following characteristics of modern mobile communication:

  • ultra-reliable communications with very low-latency;
  • ultra-high-speed connection with uniform service quality;
  • communications between a large number of objects with varying service quality requirements.

A total of 29 projects were submitted.

After a careful evaluation by an international experts committee and a final review by an inter-ministerial 5G Commission, a total of eight projects from different sectors were retained and co-funded by the SMC. Two addiional projects were co-funded through the innovation fund of the Ministry of Economy.

Documentation regarding the Call for Projects I

List of the retained projects (Call I)

The list of the 5G projects retained from the Call for Projects I is available below. Click on the name to find out more about each project.


IoT Healthcare Platform | coordinated by HRS (Hôpitaux Robert Schuman)

Lux5GCloud | coordinated by LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)

with contributions from InTech, Frontier Connect, Post Luxembourg and GomSpace

  • View the Lux5GCloud project here.

  • IRANATA | coordinated by Uni.lu - SnT

    with contributions from Post Luxembourg and Proximus

  • View the IRANATA project video here.

  • Waldbillig gëtt Digital | coordinated by Commune de Waldbillig

    with contributions from Post Luxembourg, Marc Wilmes Design, Niche Guardian and rms.lu

  • View the Waldbillig gëtt Digital project here.  

  • LiLa 5G | coordinated by CHEM (Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch)

    with contributions from Post Luxembourg, Telkea Group, KPMG Luxembourg S.A.

  • View the LiLa5G project here.

  • Micro5G | coordinated by Uni.lu and SnT

    with contributions from Post Luxembourg

  • View the Micro5G project video here.

  • Smart Water Eislek | coordinated by DEA (Distribution d'Eau des Ardennes)

    with contributions from Post Luxembourg, Synergetik and Nexunity

  • View the Smart Water Eislek project video here.

  • 5G-EMIT | coordinated by LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)

    with contributions from Telindus

  • View the 5G-EMIT project video here.

  • The Call for Projects II

    The second 5G call for projects was launched in July 2021 in the frame of the conference "Connecting tomorrow - 5G, Broadband & Beyond" (see below for further information).

    The aim of this call for projects was to trigger creative 5G showcases based on 5G technologies alone or in conjunction with other communication standards and/or technologies. in order to be retained, the projects had to rely on, or highlighting, the added value of 5G or of equivalent, substitutable or complementary communication technologies.

    Projects were submitted in the following categories:

    • 5G showcase
    • Science communication
    • Innovative conference coverage

    After a careful evaluation by an international experts committee and a final review by an inter-ministerial 5G Commission, three projects submitted in the Science Communication category were retained and co-funded by the SMC.

    Documentation regarding the Call for Projects II

    List of the retained projects (Call II)

    The list of the 5G projects retained from the Call for Projects II is available below. Click on the name to find out more about each project.


    5G-PLANET | coordinated by LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology)

    5G and Microwaves | coordinated by Luxembourg Science Center

    SAFER | coordinated by Uni.lu and SnT

    The 5G Conferences

    As a complement to the elaboration and publication of the national 5G strategy, the SMC organized conferences as well as experience sharing sessions with regards to the 5G technology. The first conference took place in December of 2018, a second conference was organized in December 2019 and the third conference took place in October of 2021.

    Luxembourg 5G conference 2018

    • Watch the recap of the conference here.
    • The summary of the conference is available here.

    Luxembourg 5G conference 2019

    • Watch the recorded conference here.
    • The conference outcomes are available here.

    "Connecting Tomorrow - 5G, Broadband & Beyond" 2021

    A third conference “Connecting Tomorrow - 5G, Boradband & Beyond”, organized by the SMC in October 2021, opened up the horizon to a more broad exchange in regards to digital connectivity. It highlighted the underlying challenge of enabling the necessary connectivity for all and covered a variety of subjects, including 5G, broadband connectivity and future opportunities (LiFi, spectrum policies, the communication for the quantum age, 6G, …).

    All the videos of the "Connecting Tomorrow - 5G, Boradband & Beyond" conference are available here.


    Parliamentary works around 5G

    Here below is the list of all the questions submitted by the Luxembourg Parliament regarding the subject of 5G in Luxembourg up to this day. The following list and documentation derive from the archives of the Luxembourg Parliament website and are updated regularly. This documentation is published in the original language used by their author(s).