New technologies

Luxembourg is committed to promoting digital transformation and creating an environment conducive to technological innovation. This open attitude to innovation is rooted in the historical success of the media in Luxembourg: radio, then television and satellite broadcasting have played an important role in Luxembourg, and have been favorably supported by successive governments.

Today, Luxembourg benefits from this fertile ground and continues to support start-ups in the digital economy and encourage the adoption of new technologies.  This focus on new technologies is helping to position the country as a leader in innovation. The SMC, together with the country's ministries, institutions and other stakeholders, is actively involved in the deployment of new human-centered technologies.

Among the flagship new technologies supported in Luxembourg are:


Data policy

Luxembourg has set up a national data exchange platform (LNDS) that offers a wide range of data transformation services. The SMC is actively working on the legislative framework for data transformation activities, which will be a cornerstone of our data economy. This will not be limited to commercial activities, but will also include research activities. Luxembourg's data policy is of course based on European legislation, which the SMC is striving to implement for the benefit of citizens and the economy.


Quantum communications
Based on experiences in satellite communication and optical fiber infrastructure, the SMC quickly has quickly taken interest in the potential of quantum communication, which promises to further enhance the security of our communication infrastructure. Luxembourg participates in EuroQCI projects and aims to remain at the forefront of this emerging technology.


Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Many industrial sectors are currently being transformed by AI. Luxembourg has invested in AI research and development, particularly in the fields of autonomous vehicles, robotics and medical research. However, AI is in the process of being democratized, and a flexible legislative framework needs to be implemented to enable its potential to be exploited while keeping humans "in the loop". The European legislative framework will be rapidly adopted in Luxembourg, and the societal debate on AI will be supported to increase everyone's skills.


Luxembourg is home to a number of blockchain startups, including the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, developed by Infrachain.


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