Postal services

Given the decline in mail volumes, the postal sector is constantly evolving and must respond to the growing need for online postal services and the development of e-commerce, which has considerably increased parcel traffic. These developments are creating new opportunities for postal service providers.

The SMC, which is responsible for regulating the postal service in Luxembourg, is actively monitoring these developments, both nationally and internationally.

At national level, the law of 26 December 2012 on postal services enshrines the liberalisation of postal services while guaranteeing the maintenance of a high-quality universal postal service (UPS). This law opens up the sector to competition, while entrusting the universal postal service for seven years to POST Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Insititute of Regulation (ILR) monitors the postal services market and ensures that a high-quality universal postal service is maintained in Luxembourg.

Internationally, the SMC also represents Luxembourg in the drafting of postal legislation at the level of the Council of the European Union and the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The UPU, a specialised UN organisation, is the main forum for cooperation between players in the postal sector, ensuring a global network of postal products and services.